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A Guide in the Digital Age: Virtual Pioneering at Glidewell
Como parte fundamental de nuestros esfuerzos por ayudar a los dentistas en su empeño por ofrecer a los pacientes mejores resultados en menos tiempo, Glidewell ha mantenido con orgullo una posición de vanguardia en la industria de la tecnología dental. Cuando Glidewell se estableció por primera vez como laboratorio dental en 1970, la producción de restauraciones dentales era un proceso analógico que dependía del encerado, la fundición y la fabricación de restauraciones hechas a mano. En las décadas siguientes, Glidewell fue pionero en los desarrollos clave de la tecnología CAD/CAM y de la ciencia de los materiales que han contribuido a hacer de la odontología restauradora digital un referente en la actualidad.
Imagination, ambitious R&D, and the ability to see what’s possible have long established Glidewell as a company that is constantly pushing the boundaries to develop meaningful innovations and streamline the restorative process. All of these efforts contribute to our mission to help clinicians deliver more predictable outcomes through the use of ever-better methods, materials and technology.
Today, as digital dental technology continues to expand the what’s possible in the field of dentistry, we endeavor to continue pushing forward, while never forgetting the handcraft, artistry and attention to detail that have made Glidewell the largest provider of custom restorative services in the world.

From Digital Impressions to Automated Designs
A dedicated team of skilled Glidewell lab technicians devotes its time to processing and evaluating digital impressions sent in by customers using intraoral scanners, ensuring that an error-free virtual model is produced before the restoration fabrication process begins. Thanks to this team’s expertise, Glidewell is the No. 1 lab in the U.S. when it comes to the number of restorations produced from digital impressions. To put it another way, while many labs are still getting their footing in the world of intraoral scans, we’ve developed the expertise to assist dentists with every step of the digital process.
Beyond digital impressions, we’re pushing the limits of what’s possible in dental technology with the development of tools that rely upon cutting-edge concepts such as AI imaging, machine learning, and 3D printing.
The™ In-Office Solution, Glidewell’s chairside system that gives doctors the power to design, produce and deliver same-visit crowns, puts these technologies to good use with highly accurate automated restoration proposal software that uses exclusive AI algorithms developed in conjunction with machine-learning experts at UC Berkeley. As a result, the restorations designed and milled with are more accurate, better-fitting, and more highly customized than those produced with prior in-office milling systems.

Facing the Future with Confidence: Looking Ahead to What’s Next
And that’s only the tip of the digital iceberg. At Glidewell, we’re proud to be at the forefront of the digital technology wave. Most importantly, we’re humbled to be the company doctors look to for ever-more accurate and efficient tools to help them reach their goals and provide the best possible care to patients.
Whether you’re an expert in digital dentistry already or just beginning to navigate the waters, we’re here to help. We offer all the support you need to implement what’s newest and stay on top of what’s next.